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Client Testimonials


"I learned about Eva from the recommendation of a trusted, neuropsychologist friend of mine. She gave me a list of people to try, but told me Eva would be her absolute first choice, and now I know why. Eva has helped my daughter immensely, not only academically but emotionally. She has been my daughter’s number one advocate from the beginning, and has repeatedly shown patience, kindness and understanding towards her unique personality and learning style. My daughter has improved in organization, time management, self confidence and turning assignments in completed and on time. There is no doubt my daughter is a different person today than she was a year ago." ~ Audrey


"Eva has been my son's Executive Function coach for 3 years. The skills Eva has taught my son have been truly life changing for him academically and socially. It has far exceeded my expectations. Eva has become both only a coach but has also become a mentor and role model. We are incredibly grateful to have met her and to have her working with our son. I cannot recommend her enough. Eva offers a holistic approach that takes into consideration the whole child and tailors her approach accordingly. If your child struggles in school to stay organized, prioritize assignments or struggle in other aspects please reach out to Eva." ~ Jennifer


"Eva is a wonderful educational therapist and executive functioning coach who brings so much kindness and compassion to her work with our children.  She has helped our 8th grade daughter immensely with building her self-confidence as a learner and teaching her how to advocate for herself.  Eva has provided valuable guidance and direction by helping our daughter to organize her work more effectively to work smarter not harder.  Eva is also working with our 10th grade son who has many learning challenges including ADHD, Anxiety, and slow processing speed.  She has helped him to make significant strides with his written and oral communication as well as his work prioritization.  This is the first school year our son has completed all his assignments on time and to the best of his abilities. We largely attribute this success to the work he is doing with Eva. In addition to working with our children, Eva has been a wonderful communicator with us as parents as well as with their educators.  Eva actively engages teachers to determine how she can best support our children.  Eva provides a gentle and empathetic ear, listening to our kids when they have struggles and helps them to find solutions. It is clear Eva cares about our children, and we cannot be more grateful for the work she is doing and the progress we are seeing.  We highly recommend her." ~ Sherri


"Eva is a nimble strategist with the ability to be both sensitive and practical. Through the course of our discussions, she helped me address the organizational and project management dilemmas I knew I had as well as some of the less obvious underpinnings of administrative chaos and stagnancy." ~ Ari


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