Eva Sandler, MS Ed, ET/P, PCC
Friend of Mind, LLC
“She is a friend of my mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order.” - Toni Morrison, Beloved
Family Wellbeing
Greater Good Science Center - The Greater Good Science Center is based out of University of California, Berkeley. The Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
Understood.org - Articles by experts offering parenting tips to help neurodiverse youth learn and thrive.
Far from the Tree - A book by Andrew Solomon telling the stories of parents who find profound meaning in supporting their exceptional children.
Anxiety and Perfectionism
"How to Help Your Perfectionist Kid" - By NYTimes Correspondant Jessica Grose.
When Perfect Becomes Problematic: Perfectionism and More - A free webinar offered by McLean Hospital. Meredith Elkins, PhD, explains what sets adolescent perfectionism apart from healthy pursuits to excel, explores the impacts of unaddressed perfectionism, and answers audience questions about evidence-based treatment options.
Anxiety in Kids and Teens 101 - Another free webinar offered by McLean Hospital. Lisa W. Coyne, PhD, provides an overview of childhood anxiety, explains what sets it apart from anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions, and offers practical strategies for helping kids and teens feel less anxious.
Hope & Insights on Anxiety in Children - A collection of perspectives, observations, and updates from the Anxiety Institute in Greenwich, CT.
UCLA CARES (Center for Child Anxiety, Resilience, Education, and Support) - Research-driven information, guidance, and tools for anyone looking for evidence-based strategies to identify and manage anxiety in children and teens.
Anxiety & Anxiety Disorders - A comprehensive article from Columbia University Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, focusing on identification of anxiety and anxiety disorders, treatment, and resources.
What is Self-Compassion? - A self-guided exploration by Dr. Kristin Neff, including research on the topic from contemporary studies.
Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why it Matters, and How to Harness it - Psychologist Ethan Kross delves deeply into the hidden power of our "inner critic" and shows how to harness it to improve our relationship with ourselves and others.
Supporting Twice- (2e) and Multi-Exceptional Students
Twice-Exceptionality: A Resource Guide for Parents - Published by the Davidson Institute, this is meant to act as a launch pad for parents to learn more about twice-exceptionality, the process of identification and assessment, and how to support children who are 2E intellectually, emotionally and socially. This guidebook includes first-hand stories from families navigating the 2E world, interviews with experts, resource highlights, practical parent tools, and much more.
2e News - An online newsletter published by Bridges Graduate School of Education.
The Paradox of Twice-Exceptionality - A guide published by the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa. Geared towards educators, this resource is also great for families and offers recommendations for the educational care of draws upon decades of research Resources on Supporting Twice- and Multi-Exceptional Students​​
Twice-Exceptional Kids: Both Gifted and Challenged - A comprehensive article from the Child Mind Institute, addressing the meaning of "2e," how twice-exceptionality affects kids in school, and what families can do to support 2e kiddos.
...much more to come!